Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blog watchers

I see that Craig's mom is one of the blog watchers... can't figure out who the others are by their blog identities.  So, here's a picture of Craig today for his mom.


  1. Thanks! Although I don't think I'd have recognized him...did he shave his head??? It looks like you guys are having a great time and I'm loving the pictures!

  2. This is Meredith Davis's mom.I appreciate the blog so much. It makes my day every day. Even though I am also so envious....
    Thank you! Tell Meredith we love her!

  3. Emily's dad is so jealous...wish I could be there to help. Thanks for the pics and glad you guys are having such a great time and doing such a valuable job for the environment.

  4. This is Cara's Mom. I love seeing the photos and reading about your adventures. Tell Cara we love her and keep up the great enviromental work.

  5. Thanks for including some details about your work on the reefs. I'm using this with my 5th grade class at school and showing them the pictures. I have a feeling they just might be getting a little more out of your lessons than they do out of mine!
    Tell Craig hi for me!

  6. Hey Craig, this is Anne! I've been checking out the blog and it looks like you're having a great time! When did you shave your noggin by the way? I can't wait to see you and hear about your exciting travels! I have a question about the pronunciation of one of the towns you were when you get back. Love you!
